Tips to increase chances for normal vaginal delivery

Its preparation starts in the pre pregnancy phase itself. If you have any medical disorder, it should be very well controlled before the pregnancy or in the early pregnancy period. Uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, obesity, or increased BMI- all these conditions lead to decreased chances of normal vaginal delivery.

Physical activity: Woman should be physically active throughout the pregnancy. Yoga, light exercises in the form of walking, stretching, a little jogging- all these cause stretching and strengthening of pelvic muscles. Regular squats should be done throughout the pregnancy.

In the past, we used to have Indian system of toilet where the woman used to have squatting activity 5-6 times a day but with modernization , the use of western toilet system and with restricted physical activity in our daily lives, we do not perform any daily activity where the squatting is being done. So regular squats should be done. It helps in stretching and strengthening of pelvic musculature. Also the baby’s head is pulled down into the pelvis which again helps in increasing the chances of normal vaginal delivery. You can hold the handle of the door and perform squats.

Butterfly pose exercise is also an important exercise which should be performed during the pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy. One must ensure a balanced diet during pregnancy. The diet these days we are taking is a high calorie diet, rich in fats, not the right kind of fat, more of pesticides and fertilisers are there. All these things have negative impact on woman’s health. So the kind of diet we are taking is low in nutrition. In pregnancy, you must take a balanced diet and it should be a balance of calories, proteins and fats. So along with an obstetrician, you must consult a dietician during pregnancy who’ll guide you for the right kind of balanced diet according to your BMI.

Childbirth education: The couple should be educated about the process of child birth and should be motivated for normal vaginal delivery. These days, many patients are not even able to bear the pressure effect which is there in the early process of delivery. So the couple should be motivated beforehand. When the pain is severe in the later process of labour, certain painkillers can be given to the patient . These days we have an option of Epidural analgesia where the patient is able to bear the pains and this has led to the increased chances of normal vaginal delivery.

In certain families, there is a custom that a child should be delivered on certain days and they find certain days to be inauspicious. It must be emphasized that the date of delivery should be decided by the obstetrician and it should be according to the body of the patient and not according to some planetary changes. Planning the delivery well in advance increase the chances of Caesarean section. So any day the child is coming into this world is good and auspicious.

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